News – Associazione Terra di Amatrice Onlus Sostieni anche te la rinascita di Amatrice Wed, 27 Oct 2021 12:49:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 News – Associazione Terra di Amatrice Onlus 32 32 “Chef’s choice” Bellavita Awards Wed, 27 Oct 2021 08:10:25 +0000 Chef's choice awards Bellavita London ExpoThe Associazione Terra d’Amatrice is pleased to announce that “Fettucine all’uovo” of Amatrice Terra Viva is the winner of the “Chef’s choice” award of Bellavita Expo London 2021.

Bellavita Awards London 2021 is the most prestigeous contest on the recongnition of the best Italian F&B products in UK.


Londra Bellavita Expo | 25 – 26 October Tue, 26 Oct 2021 19:00:11 +0000

Lunedì e martedì si è svolta a Londra Bellavita Expo. Una esposizione dedicata al cibo di primaria qualità, riservata ai soli operatori del settore: ristoratori, attività commerciali dell’alimentare, distributori ecc. 

L’ultima edizione di Bellavita Expo Londra si è svolta dal 7 all’8 novembre 2019 con oltre 6000 visitatori (professionisti del settore) presenti al più grande evento dedicato alla celebrazione delle eccellenze Food & Beverage del Mediterraneo.

L’evento ha visto più di 250 espositori presentare un’ampia varietà di prodotti innovativi e autentici, con produttori artigianali affiancati da grandi marchi. Oltre 3.000 i prodotti mediterranei di alta qualità in esposizione, grazie anche alla collaborazione con le più importanti fiere italiane Vinitaly e Cibus e la presenza di Ibérica Expo.

Nell’ottica di promuovere l’eccellenza dei prodotti dell’area di Amatrice e dei comuni limitrofi, l’Associazione Terra di Amatrice ONLUS ha provveduto ad allestire uno stand dedicato a quelle primarie aziende dell’area che si sono rese disponibili a partecipare con i loro prodotti di punta all’evento.

Le aziende che hanno sposato questa proposta realizzata a totale cura e spese dell’Associazione Terra di Amatrice sono:

Il Caseificio Aureli-Capanna
Il Caseificio Storico di Amatrice-Petrucci
L’azienda Casale Nibbi
L’Azienda Amatrice Terraviva
SANO salumi
Il Panificio Marini
Il Pastificio Strampelli

Nonostante la Brexit, il mercato londinese resta quello più attivo ed incline a scelte altamente qualitative nel ramo dell’alimentazione.

L’iniziativa intrapresa dall’Associazione Terra di Amatrice ONLUS è volta a promuovere i prodotti dell’area al fine di incrementare ed allargare quantitativamente e qualitativamente il mercato.
Se come ci si augura, vi saranno ritorni di ordini per le aziende coinvolte, l’Associazione intende ripetere l’esperienza coinvolgendo sempre più aziende dell’area, convinti che solo l’unione in sinergia tra loro possa permettere l’incremento della produzione e l’affermazione della bontà dei prodotti amatriciani nel mondo.

Delivery of two centres in Voceto and Bagnolo Mon, 17 Feb 2020 16:37:56 +0000
Terra di amatrice Onlus Association, with the contribution of Goldman Sachs Gives, delivered two aggregative centers in the areas of Voceto and Bagnolo to the Municipality of Amatrice. Deputy Mayor Massimo Bufacchi received the keys of the two centers. The city councilor Luigi Nardi and the pro-Vicar General Mgr. Luigi Aquilini attended the ceremony. The municipal institutions have expressed gratitude for the initiatives of our non-profit organization, encourage us to continue our initiatives. The delivery of the aggregation centers of Voceto and Bagnolo represents just a starting point. Other centers are in fact in the planning phase. The centers will be managed by the local associations.  
The 4th Italian Cuisine Week in the UK 2019 Fri, 06 Dec 2019 16:21:10 +0000 Italian Cuisine Week in the UK, now in its fourth year, will take place from 18th to 24th November, with over thirty events in five cities (London, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham and Edinburgh).

The festival will showcase the variety of Italian cuisine, regional specialities and the benefits of the Mediterranean diet. The programme includes talks, round-table discussions, cookery classes for beginners and professionals, cookery shows and tasting events.

The events will feature several famous Italian chefs. Enrico Cerea of the restaurant Da Vittorio in Brusaporto, Bergamo (three Michelin stars) will be in London for a reception at the Italian embassy on 23 November. Gennaro Esposito, of Torre del Saracino in Vico Equense, Naples (two Michelin stars) will open his new restaurant, IT London.

see also/*54745756836*/

Producers from Amatrice, guests at the event “Italian Food Parade” Thu, 21 Nov 2019 10:16:49 +0000 On Thursday, November 21st, cuisine from Amatrice will be an important feature of the Borough Market in London for the “Italian Food Parade” event dedicated to Made in Italy food. On this occasion, a group of local producers from Amatrice will offer tastings and main dishes based on meat, cheeses, cold meats and typical sweets provided by the Terra di Amatrice Onlus Association. The rebirth of Amatrice involves the promotion of its finest food products in a festive setting, but also by sensitizing the public of its local food and wine culture as a part of our land and social fabric. Conca Amatriciana gives life to our unique and widely appreciated products around the world and offers a starting point for the reconstruction of our beloved Amatrice. The event will be presented by food blogger Paola Maggiulli, who will guide us through the kitchens of famous chefs such as Francesco Mazzei, Danilo Cortellini and Emilia Strazzanti. This event is part of our collaboration with the Italian Embassy in the United Kingdom.

More information are available on Borough Market, Italian Food Parade/*54745756836*/

Italian Food Parade Fri, 15 Nov 2019 15:10:35 +0000

The Associazione Terra d’Amatrice is pleased to announce its participation in the 4th edition of the World Week of Italian Cuisine in London, Wednesday 21 November. The event, organized by the Italian Embassy in the United Kingdom, is supported by the collaboration of ITA and ICCIUK. In this occasion, authentic products from Amatrice will be served and prepared by a team of chefs with proven international experience in the unique location of the Borough Market Hall.

The Rebirth Mon, 29 Jul 2019 15:02:41 +0000 Our video “La Rinascita” is online, on our  Youtube channel.

The desire to have places of socialization, to build a community, to enhance one’s own territory: these are the principles that for more than 40 years have enlivened the Preta Club Association. The dramatic earthquake of August 24th 2016 did not destroy all this. From the rubble, the Preta Club Association has found the strength to regroup and revitalize their places of belonging thanks to the strong values ​​that characterize its community. His efforts – thanks also to the solidarity and support of the Opera Don Minozzi and of the Terra d’Amatrice Association – find concreteness today in the construction of a small village in the grounds adjacent to the sports field. A meeting place where residents and visitors can meet and share their experiences on the Amatrician territory.


Closing Ceremony of the training project in Dublin with the students of the Hospitality School of Amatrice Thu, 25 Jul 2019 15:38:57 +0000 Si è concluso il progetto formativo per i giovani studenti dell’Alberghiero di Amatrice.

L’Associazione Terra di Amatrice, interviene contribuendo in parte alle spese. Da qui nasce l’idea, cogliendo appunto  l’occasione per organizzare presso la sede della Royal Dublin Society, una cena di degustazione con l’eccellenza dei prodotti amatriciani e del vino di Casale del Giglio che ci porta alla serata del 25 luglio. Serata che è riuscita splendidamente, con presenze di alto-altissimo profilo in rappresentanza del mondo del clero cattolico e protestante, del mondo diplomatico oltre a numerosi ristoratori e gestori di enoteche locali.

Leggi di più sulla nostra pagina facebook, e aiutaci a diffondere la voce./*54745756836*/

Students of Amatrice Hospitality School visiting Dublin Sun, 14 Jul 2019 16:48:25 +0000 A wonderful initiative by the Fratelli Maristi Congregation that supported 4 students of Amatrice Hospitality School in visiting for 15 days the city of Dublin, with the aim of improving their English language skills and promoting the Amatrice territory.

The Association Terra di Amatrice Onlus is proud to be part of this initiative by contributing to part of the costs for the closing Ceremony of the project, which will be held on July 25th at the Royal Dublin Society headquarter.

Fore more information, read the web article at the following link from Rieti in Vietrina/*54745756836*/

“History is You” radio show by Maurizio Costanzo on Radio 105 dedicated to the Terra di Amatrice Onlus Association Sat, 13 Jul 2019 19:00:54 +0000 Radio Costanzo Show, Radio 105 (Mediaset Group) conducted by Maurizio Costanzo and Carlotta Quadri went on the air on Saturday, July 13, in the second part of the program (minute ’45). The interview with Gianfranco Callori di Vignale (one of the protagonists of the video In Memoria with the witnesses of the Amatrice earthquake) who participated in the live radio talking about the projects of the Terra di Amatrice Onlus Association.

The audio of the interview is available at the following link./*54745756836*/
